MPE Command UNIX Command < < file is input redirection > > file is output redirection << << file is append redirection >> is a hereis document option logon sh .profile ksh .profile and file in ENV variable csh .cshrc, .login, and logout abort kill [-9] abortio abortjobkill [-9] altacct chmod, passwd altgroup chmoc, passwd altsec chmod altuser passwd build touch bye exit calc dc chdir cd comment .# at start of line copy cp do ksh $r, csh %!, sh none deletespoolfile cancel, lprm deletevar unsetenv, unset dscopy ftp echo echo editor ed, vi else SEE if exit exit file symbolic link is closest equivalent god (mpex) su hello login help man man ksh, man csh essential for finding if, while help whence, what if csh if ... else ... endif sh, ksh if condition then ... else ... fi sh, ksh cmd1 || cmd2 do cmd2 if cmd1 fails cmd1 && cmd2 do cmd2 if cmd1 succeeds job & at the end of a command linkedit ld listf ls listfile ls listredo csh, ksh history, sh #fc -1 newacct mkdir newdir mkdir newgroup mkdir newuser print more purge rm purgedir rmdir pwd pwd redo ksh $r, csh %!, sh> none ksh ESC, then vi commands such as k (up), j (down), 0 (home), $ (end), x (delchar), a (append), then Return. csh !$ anywhere means last thing from last command csh !:5* means argument 5 thru last of last cmd csh !* is short for !:1*, all the arguments of last cmd csh ^li^il replaces li with il in last command rename mv set msg off mesg n setvar csh setenv NAME value sh, ksh NAME=value; export NAME showjob who, users showme whoami, hostname, logname showout lpstat, lpq showproc ps showq ps showtime date showvar printenv, env, %echo $NAME =shutdown reboot -h store cpio, tar fbackup (HP-UX) stream at, batch tell write warn wall, rwall while while ... do ... done