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Consultant: IOMIT International

Olav Kappert is the founder of IOMIT International, specializing on HP hardware since 1977 and Speedware since 1979 (the year of its inception on the HP3000). For the last 5 years, working in tandem with the Speedware Offices in both Montreal and in California as an external Technical Support Resource TSR). including extensive work with Autobahn II, Speedware's web environment.

Company Name: IOMIT International
Speciality:Speedware, Designer, Autobahn, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Basic, TurboImage, Adager, Omnidex, Suprtool, DBGeneral, KSAM, Allbase, Oracle, Sybase, MPEX, Security/3000, AMISYS, Jobscope, Qedit, HTML, Javascript
Description:Specializing on HP hardware since 1977 and Speedware since 1979. HP Solutions Provider Partner, also a Speedware Partner.
Contact:Olav Kappert
Location:US and Canada
Web site:www.IOMIT.unitedstates.com
Links: Resume
Extensive experience using Suprtool in multiple environments.
Extensive experience using Qedit in multiple environments.
References: Speedware Corporation, Hewlett Packard, BASF, American Home Shield, Nobody Beats the Wiz, Pepsi Corporation and others (see web site).
Notes: Seeking contract work in Software Application Development, Systems Analysis, full project management design, development, implementation and documentation) or simple program modifications. Will travel to and from the clients site, or perform the required work using either dial-up or internet methods, or both if it fulfills the clients needs.


HP e3000 Models and Tiers, by John Dunlop

A nice summary table, compact and clear.



Qedit: Editing Many Files At Once

When Qedit was originally written, its ability to edit one file at a time and make it lightning fast to switch between files was more than adequate. That is how we came up with the space-saving, instant open Qedit workfile that allows you to do Open XXX, edit, Open YYY, edit, then Open * to switch between the files in a second. But when we wrote Qedit for Windows, we needed multiple files in edit windows at the same time. So we added a similar feature to host-based Qedit.

Read all about it.


Add the Robelle Channel To Your Site

Our home page is changed every day with new stories, technical tips, and pointers to interesting web pages, all focused on the HP e3000 and Robelle's Qedit and Suprtool products.

These news stories are now "syndicated" using RSS-XML and can easily appear on other web sites, as headlines with links to the full stories. The headlines in the box to the right are generated dynamically from the current stories on our home page.

Add the Robelle Daily e3000 Tips to your web site with a single line of Javascript (read the instructions) and they will automatically be updated whenever the Robelle home page changes!


QSDK: Build Internet Apps on the 3000

QSDK, a toolkit by QSS, is a subroutine library for HP e3000 programmers who wish to develop network applications for their HP3000 without the hassle of learning network programming. Contains lots of useful code: subroutines which encapsulate NetIPC and common MPE/iX intrinsics for building listeners, servers, clients, and creating complete networked applications, full encryption support for establishing secure communications over the network, advanced features for implementing deferred connections, client IP address identification and nowait socket I/O operations, file transfer subroutine for easy transfer of data from the HP 3000, VB functions for converting HP data types into common VB types, and QWEBS - a full featured WEB Server the HP e3000. Price: $895.


Allegro: What is a 3000?

Explains the 3000 in two sentences, then links to good web resources:

The Hewlett-Packard HP e3000 is a highly reliable, easy to use, mainframe and/or super-minicomputer. It can support from a few up to thousands of users. The operating system is MPE/iX (MultiProgram Executive, posIX compliant).


Sub-Totaling with Suprtool

Did you know that you can sub-total data with Suprtool, as well as determining how many records made up that total? For example, we can total the number of products sold by product and also total the dollars for each product. The Duplicate command has a Count Option, whereby you can produce a new field in the output record with the number of occurrences of each key value. The Total Option allows up to 15 fields to be sub-totaled for each duplicate key. For example:
   >base store.demo,5,reader
   >get d-sales              {open a dataset}
   >sort product-no          {define a sort key}
   >duplicate none keys &
      count total sales-qty sales-total
   >out salessum,link        {Output to a link file}
These commands produce a file with a summary by product-no (because that is what we sorted by). The file will contain a count of the number of records for that product-no, and totals for the sales-qty and sales-total. The count field is called ST-COUNT and the totals have field names of ST-TOTAL-1 and ST-TOTAL-2, which are at the end of each record. And because it is a self-describing file you can easily pass it on to Suprlink or STExport or Suprtool for further processing. That's all there is to it.


John Dunlop: www.hp3000links.com

John Dunlop (jdunlop@totalise.co.uk) maintains this nice set of links, very comprehensive: "all your HP e3000 resources on the net". I found a list of HP terminal escape sequences at AICS and Managing HP e3000s for the Complete Novice by George Stachnik (in 24 parts!). There are many more...


Consultant: SW Consulting

SW Consulting recommends Suprtool to anyone working on a HP e3000 platform and dealing with large databases or files and feel that it is the fastest tool available for crunching large amounts of data. They have consultants available with several years of Suprtool experience. Contact Steve Lastic below for more information on their services.

Company Name: SW Consulting, Inc..
Speciality:HP e3000, Amisys, Speedware, Powerhouse, Suprtool, Qedit
Description:Providing professional computer consulting for the HP e3000 platform.
Contact:Steven Lastic
Location:Cape Coral, Florida
Web site:www.sw-consulting.com
SWC has consultants available with several years of Qedit experience. We recommend Qedit for anyone who is programming on a HP e3000 or has to do editing of files on a HP e3000. This tool provides many featurs that today's word processors provide and more. It makes easy work of editing files. It is especially a good tool for programmers since it handles many of the mundane tasks of programming for you automatically.
References:Speedware Corp, Hewlett Packard, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pepsi Cola, Greyhound, and many other satisfied customers.


Interex: Results of System Improvement Survey

The results are in: the number one requested enhancement to the e3000 is "Make TurboIMAGE thread aware and thread safe." Threads are light-weight son processes and a thread-aware TurboIMAGE could pass an open database when it creates a new thread. The objective here is allow TurboIMAGE to "play well" with web and client-server apps. Second most important improvement was "Global Writeable CI Variables". Visit the link above for all the details.


Shawn Gordon: Understanding C for the COBOL Programmer

Shawn Gordon wrote articles on COBOL for the e3000 for many years, but he is open to new ideas like C programming:

Over the last few years I have read many fine (and not so fine) books, articles and columns on the C language. I have even read several that compared it to languages like PASCAL and SPL. What I have never seen, and have been waiting for, is one that showed how a COBOL programmer, such as myself, might find it easier to jump onto the C bandwagon. Finally I decided I was going to have to write it myself.


Terry Floyd: Manufacturing in the New Millenium (PowerPoint)

Terry Floyd of tSGi (the Support Group inc, which provides support services for MANMAN sites) gave an interesting paper at the recent CAMUS 2001 conference (manufacturing software). The link above is to the PowerPoint file. If you have ever wondered about the differences between EDI and XML and whether XML is "the answer", this paper is for you. He even has concrete examples of EDI transactions in XML format.


Suprtool Class, and Qedit Too!

May 22-23, 2001, Jeff Kubler is offering two days of Suprtool training at Tech Group's facility in Maryland, preceded by a one-day Qedit training course. $500 per day.


Internet: Try the Google Toolbar

I've been using Google as my internet search engine for about a year now, so last month I downloaded their Toolbar and I really like it.

It not only makes it easier to do an internet search, but it also has a highlight icon that makes it easy to find the keywords you are looking for. This feature works on any webpage, not just the ones you are searching. It's much easier to use than the standard Ctrl-F method.

Their web site is google.com and the toolbar is at toolbar.google.com - once you install the toolbar, you can see it at any time in Internet Explorer 5 by doing View | Toolbars and enabling Google! For more Internet Tips, visit the permanent location of this story.



Adager: Annotated e3000 Links

Many sites have lists of e3000 web links, but the Adager list is unique. It contains a well-written paragraph about each link, giving you background information, history, and guidance. Click the link above - recommended.


New: Robelle's Education Corner

We have added a special section to our web site for educational institutions, with information about IRIS, QSS, and more. If you have any tips or links to share on this page, send them to me at bgreen@robelle.com


Essay: Revenge of the Bricks

Ali Saadat, President of Quantum Software Corp, gave us permission to reprint this thought-provoking essay from the CAMUS Newsletter. The subject is the value of existing business applications and it reminds me of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Please read it and see if it doesn't give you a better appreciation of the value of your existing IT investment. Ali's firm Quantum produces innovative products for the CA-MANMAN and HP e3000 market, such as XactMan, a web-enabled e-commerce solution that provides real-time access to HP-hosted data. - Bob Green, Robelle President.


SpaceMonger: New Way To Visualize Windows Disk Space

Click the link above for a cool little windows program:

SpaceMonger is a free tool for keeping track of the disk space on your computer. Instead of viewing your disk as unhelpful little icons or pie charts, you see a single picture that shows you at a glance how much space every file and folder are using.

Select any area with a folder title, then zoom in by double-clicking. SpaceMongerer highlights large files and allows deletions. Win2k users should see the readme file for sparse files, hard links, junction points and mount points.

For more Windows tips, visit the Permanent Location of this story.



Craig Solomon: Report on Performance Seminar

Craig Solomon of the IT Consulting Consortium has filed a 3000 News Wire story from the 5th annual Florug Performance Seminar with lots of interesting details, including an interview with Robelle's Neil Armstrong and this tidbit:

I was surprised to see two companies which only recently entered the world of the e3000. I hope this shows the e3000 is still a viable direction for new and growing companies. I chatted with Karmin McKay, Channel Development Manager, and Scott O’Neill, Director of Marketing for Software Innovations (www.softinn.com). Software Innovations is a Norway-based company developing and supplying business software solutions. “The HP e3000 has been neglected,” said McKay. “We feel the HP e3000 is a solid system. We decided to port our products to the e3000 last fall.” Software Innovations is so committed to the e3000 that they have formed partnerships with both Hewlett-Packard and North American distributor Client Systems.


How Stan Got Started

On this short web page, Stan Sieler, legendary system programmer at Allegro, explains how he got started as a programmer. Stan originally thought he might become a Forest Ranger. You will notice that he started in Algol on a Burroughs B6500.

"My own start in programming was because I needed a summer job at college. I had worked in the peach harvesting industry for 2 summers and I could get a job waiting on tables in the cafeteria at minimum wage, but a friend told me she had gotten a summer job at Hewlett-Packard which paid well and was fun too. She said it was "computer programming". How do I learn it? Take Computer Science 136 (I was a Philosophy major myself). I took the course, learned Algol on a Burroughs B5500, got a summer job at HP, and the rest is history."




Unix: Where Are My Temporary Files

By Dave Lo, Robelle Tech Support

When migrating from MPE to HP-UX, one common question is "where are my temporary files?". Unix doesn't have the "temp" and "perm" domains like MPE. Instead, Unix uses a random filename in the /var/tmp directory to function as a temporary file.

To see how to generate a random filename from the Unix shell and then feed it into Suprtool, read full version of this story.



Business Week: Good Ideas Still Get Funded

Business Week puts the dot.com meltdown in perspective in an interview with Larry Page, founder of Google, search engine of choice for the last year or so.

But you don't need a huge company, just a computer and a part-time person. So you don't need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea. You can do it in your spare time, you can really work on ideas and see if they take off -- rather than trying to raise tons of money, millions of dollars for an idea that may or may not work. And once you have the product and people are using it, it's very easy to raise investment.

This story was discovered via a link at Tomalak's Realm, which highlights the best net-related stories of the day from all sources.


Praise For Hans in Tech Support

Read the wonderful things that Gordon Gavin (Gordon.Gavin@cygnuspub.com) at Cygnus Business Media had to say about Hans Hendriks in Robelle's Technical Support.


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HP 3000 Book

HP 3000 Evolution:

Edited by Bob Green of Robelle, from articles written by Robelle, by The 3000 Newswire, and by other experts in the HP 3000 field.

This 300-page book contains the latest information on three important topics:
HP 3000 Tune Up
Migrating a 3000 application.

An essential reference for every desk! Order your copy on-line for US$25.