How do I do a disaster?

Here is a quick guide to running disaster recovery on each platform.

On MPE the steps are:

On Linux and other Open platforms the steps are: On HP-UX the steps are: The ability to do a disaster on HP-UX is only available in Extend 4.8 or higher. See the download Extend instructions below to get the latest version of Extend.

When moving the software from one system to another in a disaster situation on MPE, note that you should do the following:

This insures that the Robelle account has the proper permissions. This is done prior to the above disaster steps.

Robelle Extend Software and Disaster Recovery

We provide a simple to use program to control your Robelle software and Licensing issues. The extend program also allows you to handle a disaster situation on both MPE and HP-UX.

One of our tech support engineers also may have asked you to download the latest version to provide new functionality.

Please print off and follow the instructions below if this is the case.

The ability to do Disaster recovery on HP-UX was not available until Extend version 4.8. It is advisable to update to the latest version of Extend if you have a version of Extend 5.2 or less. Please see the Download and detailed installation instructions below.

Links for Downloading

Here is a summary of the ftp links for downloading Extend: Here is a summary of the http links for downloading Extend:

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How do I install Extend?

HP-UX Upload and Install

If you Click on the link above and save the copy of the extend program on your PC you should be able to install easily onto your HP-UX box using the following steps:

Upload/Install to your HP-UX box

These instructions assume you have ftp access to your HP-UX server:
  1. From your PC open a dos window and upload to you HP-UX machine.
    220 myhpux FTP server (Version Mon Jul 10 14:16:28 GMT 2000) ready.
    User ( root
    331 Password required for root.
    230 User root logged in.
    ftp> cd /opt/robelle/bin
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I.
    ftp> put extend.hpux.bin extend
    ftp> quit
    221 Goodbye.
  2. Insure the permissions are correct they should be as follows:
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 root       sys         878898 Mar 14 11:57 extend
  3. If the permissions are incorrect you can fix them with the chmod command
    chmod 555 extend

Upload/Install to your MPE box (binary format)

These instructions assume you have ftp access to your MPE server:
  1. From your PC open a dos window and upload to you MPE machine.
    User ( mgr.robelle,pub
    230 User root logged in.
    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I.
    ftp> put extend.mpe.bin extend;REC=128,1,F,BINARY;DISC=2845,1;CODE=1029
    ftp> quit
    221 Goodbye.

Upload/Install to your MPE box (Reflection Labels)

  1. Sign on using Reflection to mgr.robelle,pub
  2. Use the Reflection File Transfer feature (Alt+F+T)
  3. Upload to your MPE box, insure you use Reflection Labels format and call the file on the host side extend.

The Local filename should have extend.wrq.bin and the Host file name should be Extend, when you click to upload you can Purge the old version.

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I did a disaster but SmartDate doesn't work?

Smartdate is a product from Robelle that is distrubuted as either an xl or a usl. This means that many customers may add SmartDate to their own xl or sl in another account or in the system sl. This means that when a extend,disaster is done on MPE, the SmartDate routines may not be updated. Therefore sometimes a user needs to move the disastered routines to their xl, while this step is relatively easy, finding where the routines are resolved sometimes gets a bit complicated.

Typically, what is happening is a application is failing with an error calling rdtconvert, and you did the disaster, but your application either links in and xl that was not in the Robelle account or is installed in the system sl.

To determine what xl's are attached to a program you can use either linkedit/listprog or run the program with ;lmap or both if needed. If the program is a NM program then it is likely that an xl has been linked to the program for the SmartDate Intrinsic to be resolved. The listprog command in linkedit will show this list of xl's linked to a program.

HP Link Editor/iX (HP30315A.06.17) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co 1986

LinkEd> listprog cobst2p

PRIORITY       :  
POSIX          : NO
TEXT SIZE      : 00005D94
DATA SIZE      : 00000910
VERSION        : 85082112
Or you can use the lmap option. This is very verbose and sometimes I capture the output and search for sdate.asm to speed things up. A portion of the output using this method is below:
run cobst2p;lmap
NM Program File : COBST2P.NEIL.GREEN                                          
Module Name     : COBST2
FSN             :    0                                                        
SOM             :    0                                                        
LP              :      31C.40100000                                           
DP              :      31C.41644000                                           
Locality Name                       Type       Address        Length  XL|R/W  
-------------                       ----       -------        ------  ------  
$MILLICODE$                         Code       31B.5000         1610   3      
$CODE$                              Code       31B.6614         4088   3      
$UNWIND_START$                      Code       31B.A6A0          6FC   3      
$GLOBAL$                            Data       31C.41644000      910   3/3    
EXPORTED CODE SYMBOLS .....                                                   
Entry Name                          Type   Proc Addr     Stub Addr     XL/EL  
NM Library File : MYDATEXL.PUB.GREEN                                          
Module Name     : sdate.asm

As mentioned previously the Smartdate Intrinsic can be installed in a local xl, referenced directly as, or installed in the system sl. If your LMAP listing shows that the routines are resolved in the system sl, then you can stream the job:

	stream syssl.datejob.robelle

to install the routines in the system sl.

If however, your routines are in an xl, as shown above in the LMAP and LISTPROG examples, you can see that the sdate.asm reference is in the xl MDATEXL.PUB.GREEN. You can replace the routines that have not been enabled on the disaster machine with the following linkedit commands:

             >xl mydatexl            
             >copyxl; replace
The above copies the disastered xl into your local xl, so that your application can run with the newly enabled routines.

The obvious way to avoid having to do all of this is to simply reference the xl file directly, however, the above helps show how to locate where the routines may be in your application and how to copy to your application xl or stream the job to re-install in the system SL. If you want to keep your SmartDate intrinsics in your own application xl it is advisable to add steps or even a job to replace the sdate xl in your application xl and add this to your disaster checklist.

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